Combating Climate Change Together

Happy Earth Day! We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with Grow Ahead, an agroforestry nonprofit that supports farmer-led agroforestry projects to combat climate change and support communities in the process. 

$1 = 1 Tree Planted 

You now have an opportunity at checkout to plant a tree for just one dollar, and offset the carbon emissions from shipping your package. With this contribution, you are part of a positive cycle of replenishing forests and creating vibrant food systems across the globe. Grow Ahead currently supports agroforestry projects in Mexico, Honduras and Peru. 

Why Agroforestry?

Agroforestry is a method of planting trees, cash crops (like coffee and cocoa) and food together in a food-forest system. This allows farmers to restore water and nutrients to their soil, increasing production of food and pulling carbon out of the atmosphere.

Agroforestry is  a solution that benefits farmers and the planet. By planting trees in agroforestry systems - together with crops - farmers can meet community needs, generate income through organic and fair trade product sales, and enhance their climate resiliency.

Does One Tree Really Help?

Yes! One tree … 

    • Sequesters 40 pounds of carbon per year 
    • Provides important habitat for flora and fauna
    • Retains water and restores nutrients to the soil
    • Generates income for farmers
    • Supports local community food security

How will my $1 be used?

It takes $1 to fund the seedling, planting and monitoring of one fully grown tree which includes:

    • Cost of the installation of nurseries
    • Technical Assistance to run the reforestation project
    • Transportation of seedlings from nurseries to reforestation areas
    • Monitoring and evaluation of new plantings including the creation of community associations for conservation.
    • Community educational programs on the benefits and importance of reforestation for the environment and farmers

Climate change is one of the biggest threats to our planet, and we are committed to doing our part. We know that sometimes a problem of this scale feels too big to tackle, and we are proud to be able to offer an affordable way to offset carbon emissions and support communities. Thanks for collaborating with us, and with Grow Ahead, to help people and the planet. 

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